Castle Shannon Borough adopted Ord. #917 Regulations and Requirements for Rental Property on January 28, 2019 requiring owners and agents of rental property to submit a Rental Unit Occupancy Registration that shall be filed with the Borough annually on or before March 31 of each year.

However, reasonable time will be granted once the notice has been issued, due to the late timing of the adoption of Ordinance 917. It is the responsibility of all landlords and agents to have their application turned in annually on or before March 31 of each year.

Occupancy Inspections (Rental Units)

On January 28, 2019, Castle Shannon Borough Council enacted Ord. #917 Regulations and Requirements for Rental Property which requires all owners of rental property within the Borough must submit to the Borough a Residential Rental Unit Occupancy Registration or Commercial Rental Unit Occupancy Registration statement annually. The annual statement must be filed by March 31 of each year beginning March 31, 2020. The Registration Statement must include a list of all tenants of the rental units at the time of submission of the form.

An Occupancy Inspection must be performed by the Codes Enforcement Officer.  The Borough representative must be able to gain entry to the property for the inspection.  Call 412-885-9200, ext. 105 for an appointment.

These are some of the most common violations:

  • Electrical inspection sticker on the electric box within the last five years.
  • Smoke detectors with operating batteries–one is required on each floor & in each bedroom.
  • Windows must open and close.
  • Railing on stairs.
  • Switches and receptacles must have plates.
  • Wiring.
  • GFI plugs where required.
  • All bathrooms & toilet areas must have a window that opens or ventilation to the outside.
  • General condition of the entire structure and grounds surrounding the structure.
  • Habitable living conditions, etc.
  • Twenty-minute fire-rated door between residence and garage.
  • Under Act 121 you must install a Carbon Monoxide detector.
  • Violation of any other Borough Code.





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