Castle Shannon Timeline

Castle Shannon Time LineWorld Event Time Line
A treaty with the Iroquois Indians had them relinquish their claim to the lands surrounding Pittsburgh and stimulated interest in land grants from the state.1768Samuel Adams letter circulates around American colonies, opposing Townshend Act taxes. Daniel Boone explores the Cumberland Gap. The eraser was invented in 1770.
The first settlers to arrive in this region were the Strawbridge, Rutherford, Roberts, McCall and Beltzhoover families. Land grants sold to the settlers by the state were purchased for as little as 22 cents an acre. The early settlers found this area was ideal for farming, with beautiful streams and numerous springs, plenty of fish and game, and heavily supplied timber.17861784 Benjamin Franklin expresses unhappiness over the eagle as America's symbol, Revolutionary War ends,
1785 Stagecoaches carry the US mail, Benjamin Franklin invents bifocals.
1786 The first commercial ice cream sold in N.Y. 1787, The United States Constitution was signed..
A narrow-gauge railroad was built to Castle Shannon from Pittsburgh. It stretched along the valley as far as Fair Haven, now Overbrook. Farmers from the district donated the use of their wagons and other vehicles to transport prospective buyers to the new town site. To each person building a home, a free two-year pass was given by the railroad. There was no charge for the hauling of lumber.18711850 Slave trade abolished in DC, but slavery allowed to continue elsewhere.
1865 Robert E Lee & 26,765 troops surrender.
1865 John Wilkes Booth shoots Abraham Lincoln in Ford's Theatre.
1865 13th Amendment ratified, slavery abolished.
1867 US purchases Alaska from Russia for $7,200,000.
Great Chicago Fire kills 200, destroys over 4 miles of Chicago buildings.
First baseball league game (National Association of Baseball Players).
Suez canal opens.
Two amusement groves were located at what is now Castle Shannon. The first was the Grove Station and was opened to the public on Memorial Day in 1872. Another grove was the Zoological Gardens, located in the vicinity of Arch Street and Poplar Avenue.1872Amnesty Act restores civil rights to Southerners. California Stock Exchange Board organized. Susan B. Anthony fined $100 for trying to vote for Ulysses S. Grant in US Presidential election. Yellowstone becomes world's first national park. The first patent list issued by US Patent Office.
A second narrow-gauge railroad, the Pittsburgh and Southern, was built from Finleyville through Castle Shannon to the West End of Pittsburgh.18771876 Custer & 7th Cavalry wiped out by Sioux & Cheyenne at Little Big Horn Thomas Edison patents the phonograph. Wild Bill Hickok shot dead while playing poker.
Saint Anne Parish opened its first school in the church sacristy.1894Labor Day established as a federal holiday. Olympics set to be played every 4 years.
Pittsburgh Railroad bought the right-of-way through the valley and started the electric trolley line. This line extended from Pittsburgh through the Pittsburgh Railways Tunnel and through Castle Shannon to Washington and Charleroi. Before this time, other trolleys had been routed through Beechview, Brookline, Dormont and Mt. Lebanon. Castle Shannon became a center of mining, and with the mines, came the Pittsburgh and West Virginia Railroad. This railroad still operates and carries heavy freight loads. One time, coal cars were on these tracks day and night.19091908 Ford produces its first Model-T General Motors is formed. Robert E. Peary becomes the first man to reach the north pole. The National Association for Advancement of Colored People is formed, William Howard Taft becomes the 27th president. 1910 The Boy and Girl Scouts are introduced. 1912 New Mexico becomes 47th state, Arizona becomes 48th state, The Titanic sinks on its first trip to New York drowning 1,513 people. 1914 Boston Red Sox purchased Babe Ruth's contract. 1917 US declares war on Germany, World War I. 1st NHL game played on artificial ice (Toronto). 1918 Germany surrenders to the Allies.
Castle Shannon was incorporated as a borough, formed from parts of Baldwin, Mt. Lebanon and Bethel Township. The first officers of the borough of Castle Shannon government were: Mayor Elmer E. Smith; Councilmen E. B. Laughlin, R. L. Newell, John Mahoney, William Kestner, J. Louis Kostyal, Gustave A. Zirckel; President of Council John W. Watermen; and Borough Secretary George H. Beltzhoover.1919State legislatures ratify the 18th Amendment, starting prohibition. The Versailles Treaty marks the official end of World War I. People can now dial telephone numbers. Short-wave radio is invented. America's first passenger flight. Mussolini forms Fascist movement in Milan Italy. Radio Corporation of America (RCA) created. Grand Canyon established as a National Park.
January 1920 was the first council meeting. Meetings were held on the first Tuesday of every month thereafter. Pittsburgh Railroad filed an appeal in Superior Court, to object to the incorporation of the borough, the Superior Court dismissed this appeal. The council meeting's order of business was to appoint the first solicitor, George W. Allen: the first engineers, Douglas and McNight: the first treasurer, William Waterman and the first official newspaper for the borough advertisement, the Hill Top Record. Ordinance # 4, enacted into law, set a 10 mill tax on each dollar value of the property. The accessed valuation of the property at that time was $1,457,190 and the first budget total was $12,275.90.1920Woodrow Wilson and other world leaders establish League of Nations. Adolph Hitler organizes the Nazi party. The Ku Klux Klan launches a recruitment campaign to gain 85,000 new recruits. Women win the right to vote. NY Yankees purchase Babe Ruth from Red Sox for $125,000. Walt Disney starts 1st job as an artist; $40 week. Silver reaches record $1.37 an ounce. First cross-country airmail flight in the US. KDKA in Pittsburgh broadcasts first scheduled programs. Film stars Mary Pickford & Douglas Fairbanks wed. Tennessee ratifies 19th Amendment, guarantees women voting right. A grand jury indicts 8 players on the Chicago "Black Sox" for throwing the 1919 World Series.
January 1921 was the first protest by residents against the 10-mill property tax. Although council did not lower taxes the protest did lead to the election of one of the protesters, Meuschke, to borough council. Council hired the first person to keep open the ditches along macadam roads. Harry Drugh was paid 50 cents an hour for this task. At this time Castle Shannon had 63 gas lamps in the borough served by the Welsbach Street Lighting Company but they were expensive to maintain. The gas bill for March 1920 was $97.13. Council later approved Duquesne Light to serve the borough. Council enacted Ordinance #7, allowing Castle Shannon to enter into a contract with Duquesne Light Company to furnish street and highway lights. Council also enacted Ordinance #8 which adopted the rules and regulations for the Board of Health for the borough. The Board of Trade asked council to secure fire protection for the borough. Ordinance #9, enacted Castle Shannon entered into a contract with the Bell Telephone Company to construct a telephone system for the borough with a free phone to be put into a borough building at a later time. Council authorized the hiring of the first road foreman and laborer. The foreman was paid $5 per day and the laborer was paid 40 cents and hour.1921Warren G. Harding becomes the 29th president. 'Robot' becomes part of the English language. Western Union begins wire photo service. Rudolph Valentino's "The Sheik" is released. The Kid, starring Charlie Chaplin & Jackie Coogan is released. Albert Einstein lectures on his theory of relativity. . The American Soccer League is formed. Mussolini's fascists obtains 29 Italian parliamentary seats. Police in Sunbury PA require women to wear skirts at least 4 inches below the knee. The first Miss America crowned. KDKA radio broadcasts the first religious service. The first US transcontinental air mail flight arrives in New York NY from San Francisco CA. US Congress sets immigration quotas. US signs peace treaty with Germany. Winston Churchill becomes British, minister of Colonies. Edward Mellanby discovers vitamin D and shows that its absence causes rickets. George Washington Carver appeared before the US Congressional Ways and Means Committee promoting a protective tariff on peanuts. Hot Springs National Park created in Arkansas. Irish Free State gains independence from Britain. Mongolia (formerly Outer Mongolia) declares independence from China. US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt stricken with polio at summer home.
By Ordinance #10 borough council reduced the 10-mill tax levied to 7 mills, but in 1922 raised it to 8 mills. The Board of Health of Castle Shannon reported four cases each of diphtheria, chicken pox and measles, one case each of whooping cough and scarlet fever and two cases of erysipelas, a skin infection. Council passed Ordinance #13, the first regulating enforcement of drunkenness, vagrancy, disorderly conduct, displaying or discharging firearms, malicious behavior and obstructing streets and sidewalks. Depending on the offense, council also imposed a fine of $1 to $25 or not to exceed 30 days in jail. Ordinance #17, the borough recognized the Volunteer Fire Department of Castle Shannon, which had been organized by the citizens. The borough engineer established grade and curb lines. The grading and curb line ordinances required abutting property owners to be assessed two-thirds of all costs. Ordinance #18 allowed the borough to regulate amusements, concerts, and dances. Bowling alleys and poolrooms. The fee for the permits was $1 per year. Congressman Guy E. Campbell donated a World War 1 cannon to the borough. The cannon was installed in front of the first borough building on Washington Road. Washington Road's name was changed to Castle Shannon Boulevard in 1928. South Pittsburgh Water Company was authorized to install and maintain fire hydrants and water lines in the borough. The borough adopted Ordinance #33 providing a public sewer system for part of the borough. Castle Shannon accepted bids to build the first borough building. The low bid was $1,291 and the high bid was $1,435.192214 republics form Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics (USSR). Filmmakers set up their own organization so they can censor their own movies. T.S. Eliot publishes "The Wasteland". Kemal Atatürk Founds Modern Turkey. King Tut's Tomb Found. Michael Collins Killed in Ambush. In Italy, liberal Luigi Facta's cabinet resigned after threats from Mussolini that "either the government will be given to us or we will seize it by marching on Rome." The Reader's Digest Published. Christian K. Nelson of Onawa, Iowa, patented the Eskimo Pie. The 11,500-ton Langley was commissioned into the U.S. Navy as America's first aircraft carrier. The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated. The US Postmaster General ordered all homes to get mailboxes or relinquish delivery of mail. The British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC, began the first daily radio broadcasts from Marconi House. Rebecca L. Felton of Georgia was sworn in as the first woman to serve in the U.S. Senate. Capt. Cyril Turner of the Royal Air Force gave the first public skywriting exhibition, spelling out, "Hello U-S-A. Call Vanderbilt 7200" over New York's Times Square. 47,000 called. The Warner Brothers, Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack, opened their first West Coast studio. The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) expanded its first building at 10 Broad St. to include 11 Wall St. A Greek Orthodox Archdiocese was established in the US. In India, civil disobedience demonstrators killed 22 police officers and Gandhi called off his campaign of disobedience.
Ordinance #33 authorized the application to the State Department of Health to construct a sewage system and to make temporary connections into Saw Mill Run. The ordinance contained a section which stated the sanitary sewer lines had to be used exclusively for sewage and that it was unlawful to connect roof, storm water or surface water into the sanitary sewer. Anyone caught doing so would be fined $25. Bills presented for a one-month period amounted to $1,099.67. In 1993, the amount would be around $100,000.1923Warren G. Harding dies 2 and a half years into his presidential term and is succeeded by Calvin Coolidge who becomes the 30th president. The popular Jazz singer Bessie Smith records her first jazz album. Charleston Dance Becomes Popular. Hitler Jailed After Failed Coup. Ruhr Occupied by French and Belgian Forces. Talking Movies Invented. Teapot Dome Scandal. Time Magazine Founded. Insulin became generally available for diabetics.
Library Road, known as State Highway 247, was approved for widening from Bethel to the Baldwin Township line. The width was to be 25 feet on each side of the centerline for a total width of 50 feet. The borough's share for the widening was $25,000. Ordinance #67 was adopted for the indebtedness of the borough of $85,000. This was a lot of money since the weekly pay of the residents was between $20 and $30.1924Insecticides are used for the first time on crops. U.S. immigration bill excludes all Japanese people. France hosts the very first Winter Olympics. J. Edgar Hoover Appointed FBI Director. Thomas Watson founded IBM. The Russian city of St. Petersburg was renamed Leningrad in honor of the late revolutionary leader. Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" premiered
The Board of Health of Castle Shannon released the report of the number of communicable diseases in the borough: 19 cases of diphtheria, three cases of scarlet fever and one case each of typhoid fever and whooping cough. A resolution was sent to the State Board of Health demanding relief from conditions brought about by the overflow from the Mt. Lebanon Sewage Disposal Plant. Council agreed to the erection of a tower by the fire department for the company's siren. The corner of Castle Shannon Boulevard (then Washington Road) and Library Road was improved by moving a home at a cost to the borough of $4,530. In September the building inspector reported $55,150 in improvements for the month. Ordinance enacted stating that it would be unlawful to permit any horses, mules, cattle, hogs or domestic fowl to run at large within the borough, with fines set at not less than $1 nor more than $10. Council approved the hiring of motorcycle patrolman Elmer Zeiler at a salary of $160 per month with no other allowances. The officer was to furnish full coverage insurance to protect the borough from liability for accidents. The contract for the Saw Mill Run Trunk Sanitary Sewer #2 from Overbrook line to Bethel Township, now Bethel Park, line was awarded at a cost of $64,749.20 Lock joint concrete pipe was used throughout the construction.1925A teacher, John Scopes is tried for teaching evolution. Bruce Barton writes The Man Nobody Knows, one of the decades best-selling books. Benny Hill was born. The London Zoo announced it would install lights to cheer up fogged in animals. The first issue of the New Yorker magazine. John T. Scopes was arrested in Tennessee for teaching Darwin's theory of evolution. Walter Percy Chrysler founded the Chrysler Corporation. Charlie Chaplin's classic comedy, "The Gold Rush," premiered at Grauman's Egyptian Theatre. The first national congress of the Klu Klux Klan opened. Three-time All-American Harold "Red" Grange played his last football game for the University of Illinois. Walt Disney married Lillian Bounds after she landed a $15-a-week job as an "inker" at his studio. The US Mail Special Delivery increased to $.15 for the guaranteed immediate delivery. The SF Stock Exchange was first connected to the NY Stock Exchange when a ticker tape was installed by Western Union. Bill Peterson, a blacksmith, invented locking pliers later known as vice-grips. Al Capone took over Chicago's underworld, where 400 gang murders per year were recorded.
The street committee reported that due to snow drifting on McRoberts Road it would be closed. Council passed Ordinance #80 increasing the tax millage from 9 to 12 mills. April 1926 Council approved the purchase of property at Washington Road, now Castle Shannon Boulevard, and Poplar Avenue at a cost of $1,200. Also at this meeting, council approved a request by the school district to permit the motorcycle officer to act as truant officer. Ordinance #92 contracted Duquesne Light Company to furnish electric lights for the streets and highways of the borough for five years. The cost of each streetlight was $38 per year. Ordinance #121 changed the name of Washington Avenue to Castle Shannon Boulevard. Council approved hiring a police officer, which would be chief of police, at a salary of $160 per month. Council also amended an ordinance, which deals with the license fee for transient vendors, who travel from street to street selling their goods. The fee for conveying by hand or pushcart, $1 per day; conveying by truck, $1 per day: and conveying by truck per year, $18.1926Germany is admitted into the League of Nations. A.A. Milne Publishes Winnie-the-Pooh. Houdini Dies After Being Punched. Robert Goddard Fires His First Liquid-Fuel Rocket. A Woman Swims the English Channel. Contract airmail service began in the US. Violette Neatley Anderson became the first African-American woman admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court. Dr. Lane of Princeton estimated the earth's age at one billion years. The first successful trans-Atlantic radio-telephone conversation took place, between New York City and London. The Airship Norge was the first vessel to fly over the North Pole. The National Broadcasting Co., NBC, was created by the Radio Corporation of America, which had originated as Marconi Wireless. U.S. coal talks broke down, leaving both sides bitter as the strike dragged on into its fifth month.
The Castle Shannon Board of Health reported the lack of water at Mine No. 2 Barracks. The matter had been taken up with the State Bureau of Health. By motion of council, members requested the governor to aid in protecting the health and life of area residents. Council also sent letters to the South Pittsburgh Water Company requesting water relief be used through the fire hydrant. The water company did supply water to this area on July 7, 1927. Police Chief Elmer Zeiler reported that the state automobile code required speed signs on Library Road and Castle Shannon Boulevard. He also reported that his arrest by the Coal and Iron police was dismissed by the grand jury. The Coal and Iron police were hired by the mine's owner, as company police. At this time, the mineworkers were on strike and were being evicted from the mine company owned homes. The miner's union built temporary barracks for the miners.1927The first pop-up toaster is design in the U.S. Charels Lindbergh becomes the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. American hero Babe Ruth hits 60 home runs, winning the hearts of Americans, and breaking the season record. Gertrude Ederle becomes the first women to swim across the English Channel. The BBC was founded. The First Talking Movie, The Jazz Singer. Captain Hawthorne Gray set a new balloon record soaring to 28,510 feet. Adolf Hitler held the first Nazi meeting in Berlin. Ty Cobb hit safely for the 4,000th time in his career. Andy Warhol, American pop artist, was born. Babe Ruth hit his 60th homerun of the season off Tom Zachary in Yankee Stadium, New York City, and broke his own major-league record. Gene Tunney successfully defended his heavyweight boxing title against Jack Dempsey. Fox Movie-tone news, the first sound news film, was released.
Through a meeting with the coal company, council was promised that there would be no miners evicted from the homes during extremely cold weather or in case of sickness. Council was informed that Police Chief Elmer Zeiler was ill and unable to attend to his duties. Council appointed Constable John Massung to substitute for the chief during his illness at a salary of $5 per day. Police Chief Elmer Zeiler reported on the condition of the striking miner's barracks. Council instructed the building inspector to give notice that the permits for the temporary barracks will expire January 1, 1929, and will not be renewed. On December 11, 1928, a delegation of striking miners asked council to extend the permit for one year. Council extended the permits to May 1929.1928Walt Disney makes his first Mickey Mouse cartoon. The automobile, steel, rubber, glass, and housing industries are in recession foreshadowing the future events of the depression. The Grand Dragon of Indiana, David Stephenson, is jailed on second-degree murder charges. Bubble Gum Invented. First Academy Awards. First Oxford English Dictionary Published. Kellogg-Briand Treaty Outlaws War. Penicillin Discovered. James Brown, "The Godfather of Soul," was born. The singer is best remembered for the song "I Feel Good." Antonie "Fats" Domino was born.
The health officer reported seven cases of scarlet fever and one case of diphtheria. Residents of the miners' barracks moved and the barracks were being torn down. The State Highway Department installed the first stop signs at the corner of Grove Road and Library Road. The police chief requested council to install a phone in his home due to the number of complaints he has received from residents not able to contact him. Also at this meeting, the motorcycle maintenance expense had been mounting for the police chief, so council approved maintenance reimbursement to him for the upkeep of his motorcycle. Castle Shannon Fire Department requested special police officers to afford protection to the firemen at fires or other emergencies. Ten officers were given police powers to be used during fires. Since council purchased the police badges, they could be taken back if the occasion arose. Council requested that a streetcar stop be installed at Poplar Street and Castle Shannon Boulevard. The Railway Company turned down this request. Council cautioned the Railway Company regarding the speed their cars were going at this crossing.1929The first color television experiments are performed by Alexander Graham Bell. Black Tuesday, Stock Market crashes triggers "Great Depression". Herbert Hoover becomes the 31st president Herbert Hoover becomes the 31st president. Byrd and Bennett Fly Over South Pole. Car Radio Invented. St. Valentine's Day Massacre. The United States and Canada reached agreement on joint action to preserve Niagara Falls. Louie Marx introduced the yo-yo. The first all-color talking picture, "On with the Show," opened in New York. Babe Ruth hit his 500th major league home run against the Cleveland Indians. Commander Richard E. Byrd completed the first South Pole flight. Edwin Hubble made the landmark observation that wherever you look, distant galaxies are moving rapidly away from us. In other words the universe is expanding. He also showed that the red shift is directly proportional to the galaxy's distance from us. The German dirigible Graf Zeppelin completed a trip around the world. "Amos 'n' Andy," made its network radio debut.
The Railway Company agreed to put a stop at the Poplar Street and Castle Shannon Boulevard crossing.1930The first supermarket is opened in the U.S. The U.S. signs a naval disarmament treaty with other European nations.
Daniel Mozley stated he would reduce his price for garbage collection from 75 cents to 50 cents per household per month. The salary for the police chief was fixed at $150 per month, plus fuel allowance for his motorcycle. The previous allowance for Chief Zeiler's home telephone was discontinued after a $176 telephone bill for two months. The street commissioner's salary was set at $130 per month.19321931, The Empire State Building opens in New York, becoming the world's tallest skyscraper. Florence Kelly dies.
1932 Veterans in the Bonus Army protest in Washington, D.C. to get their money from WWI early. Amelia Earhart is the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. The son of flying hero Charles Lindbergh and wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh is kidnapped and murdered. A German-American was convicted of the crime.
C.E. Bowman became the new police chief at a monthly salary of $100 per month. Council approved the purchase of a new Harley Davidson motorcycle at a cost of $332. The American Legion Post 490 asked permission to erect two German field guns adjacent to the present gun on borough property.1933The First U.S. aircraft carrier launched. Adolph Hitler named German Chancellor. Lone Ranger premiers on radio. Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugurated as the 32nd president, says "We have nothing to fear but fear itself". Game of "Monopoly" invented. German Reichstag grants Adolph Hitler dictatorial powers.
The building inspector issued a permit to the coal company to build 75 outside toilets along Route 88. These were issued for homes built across from what are now Skip's Auto Body and Homecraft Hardware. There were three grocery stores on Willow from Poplar to Park Avenues; they were the A & P, the Butler and Nassau. The borough also had the Pearle Theater.19342500 fans see Babe Ruth's farewell Yankee appearance at Yankee Stadium. Lou Gehrig plays in his 1500th consecutive game. FDR dedicates Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam). "Congress passes the Indian Reorganization Act." Farm families leave dust bowl-stricken Great Plains and move west to California.
February, council was asked for the use of the borough's meeting place for the purpose of organizing a Parent-Teacher Association for the Myrtle Avenue and Hamilton Schools. Allegheny County Commissioners agreed to loan the borough a steamroller for the improvement of borough roads. Castle Shannon's W.W. Riehl Soccer Team won the National Amateur Soccer Championship of the United States for the 1934-35 season, as well as the championship of the Central District Soccer League. Operators of the Pearle Theater made a request to council to have Allegheny County place on the primary ballots the question of voting yes or no to allow motion pictures to be shown on Sundays in the borough.1935Congress passes the Social Security Act, giving elder Americans Social Security money for the first time. The wealth tax is passed which penalized the wealthy with higher taxes to help depression. With President Roosevelt's support, the Wagner is passed, guaranteeing workers' rights to join unions and bargain collectively. The Works Progress Administration is set up to improve America and create jobs. To keep the United States out of war in Europe, Congress passes the Neutrality Act. Alcoholics Anonymous was Founded. Germany Issues the Anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws. American Jesse Owens set the long jump record.
Mr. Vitte put 93 feet of sidewalk in front of his place of business on Willow Avenue at a total cost of $62. Council officially recognized the merits of the Castle Shannon Coal Soccer Club and the Castle Shannon Owl Soccer Club for their showing in competition that season. Council commended Elizabeth McColligan for tennis and John Zywan as a soccer star. Mr. Zywan was at the Olympics in Berlin. The borough purchased a new Harley Davidson motorcycle at a cost of $360 and a sidecar for $35. Council approved a speed trap in Castle Shannon, due to complaints of reckless driving. John Letzkus was appointed the second police officer for the borough.1936An autoworkers strike occurs in Detroit, the nations leading producer of steel and cars. Spanish Civil War begins, Gen. Francisco Franco led uprising. RCA shows the 1st real TV program. Margaret Mitchell writes Gone with the Wind an American classic. Carnegie Publishes How to Win Friends and Influence People. Hoover Dam Completed. Nazi Olympics in Berlin. The first members of baseball's Hall of Fame, including Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth, were named in Cooperstown, N.Y. Life Magazine began publishing. The first social security checks were mailed.
W.M. Fisher is appointed as he borough's first dogcatcher. Mr. Fisher was paid $5 per month plus $2 per dog and 50 cents per day if the dog has to be boarded for more than one day. Castle Shannon, Baldwin and Brentwood joined in an agreement for a fee system for a joint plumbing inspector. Ordinance #178 was passed in December 1937 and Edward Reilly was hired as plumbing inspector for all three municipalities. His earnings would be 50 percent of all fee received by the municipalities for all plumbing permits. Former councilman George C. Dietrich presented the council president with a gavel and block, which he announced he personally made from a bed, in which former president Abraham Lincoln slept in at the old Monongahela House in Pittsburgh. Council passed ordinance #180, which fixed the tax rate for 1938 at 11 mills. Street Commissioner Boeving was given a salary of $112.25 per month with the understanding he was to have a telephone installed at his house. The White House Bar on lower Willow Avenue received a dance permit allowing dancing until 11:45 p.m.1937Golden Gate Bridge Opened A steel strike starts in Chicago. Roosevelt's famous attempt to pack the Supreme Court fails. The Hindenberg Disaster. Japan Invades China. Amelia Earhart took off from Oakland, Ca., in an attempt to become the first pilot to fly around the globe at the equator. Wimbledon was televised for the first time. Bill Cosby, comedian, actor, was born. A supernova flared up in the galaxy and stayed visible for 5 years. "The Hobbit," by J.R.R. Tolkien, was published. An American pilot named Jacqueline Cochran set the women's airspeed record at 292 mph. The first drive-in bank opened in Los Angeles. The first McDonald's opened in Pasadena, Ca. In Germany Hans J.P. von Ohain built and tested a laboratory model of a jet engine. Amelia Earhart Vanishes
Ed Reilly appeared before council asking to be given a salary of $180 per month for working as a building inspector for the three municipalities. Council fired Mr. Reilly and contacted Mt. Lebanon Township about having their plumbing inspector take over the inspections for Castle Shannon. Council approved a request from the South Hills Motorcycle Club to play motorcycle polo with the understanding that there be "no dust." The borough had problems with dusty roads because of unpaved streets. Council authorized the purchase of 10,000 gallons of road oil at 5 ½ cents per gallon for spreading on the various roads. Council received a request from the Castle Shannon Fire Department Relief Association, asking the borough deed back its property to the fire department. This property was deeded to the borough so the borough could have the Work Progress Administration construct a firehouse and a municipal building on it and then return the property, plus the newly constructed building to the fire department. The W.P.A. refused this construction.1938Nazi Germany invades Austria The Fair Labor Standards Act makes it illegal to employ child labor. Orson Wells's radio production of H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds causes a national panic because of the believability of it. A Severe recession hits the United States economy because of the depression. 1939 First Commercial Flight Over the Atlantic. German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Signed. Helicopter Invented. The Baseball Hall of Fame opened in Cooperstown, New York. The first nylon products, toothbrushes, were marketed in New Jersey. Aramco made the first commercial oil find in Saudi Arabia. Roy Plunkett, a DuPont researcher in New Jersey, discovered the polymer, polytetrafluoroethylene, later known as Teflon. First use of seeing eye dog. Superman made his first appearance in D.C. Comics' Action Comics Series issue #1. The comic book sold for 10 cents. By 1995 surviving copies sell for over $75,000.
The solicitor stated that the proposed municipal building and firehouse could not be considered as a legal procedure and council was to inform the fire department that it was forced to withdraw from this proposal. The state Highway Department informed council that it turned down the borough's request for sidewalks along Library Road. 1939Glamour magazine begins publishing. Germany occupies Czechoslovakia. Batman Comics hit the street. Lou Gehrig ends 2,130 game playing streak. John Steinbeck publishes The Grapes of Wrath. Pan Am begins transatlantic passenger & mail service. Hollywood releases "The Wizard of Oz", one of the first color films.
Council conducts its first meeting at the new borough hall on Castle Shannon Boulevard. Bids were opened for a new police car, the four bids ranged from $657 for a 1941 2 door Ford sedan to $715 for a 1941 2 door Hudson sedan. The bid was awarded to Haller's Ford of Mt. Lebanon. Council also authorized the purchase of theft insurance for the new police car. Council agreed to allow the American Legion Post 490 to use the new borough building. Post 490 stated they would install new Venetian blinds in all the windows.1940Roosevelt asks Congress to approve the production of 50,000 airplanes per year. Leon Trotsky Assassinated. Nylons on the Market. Stone Age Cave Paintings Found in France. Britain began rationing sugar, meat and butter. Frank Sinatra sang "Too Romantic" and "The Sky Fell Down" in his first recording session with the Tommy Dorsey Band. Glenn Miller and his orchestra recorded "Tuxedo Junction". La Guardia airport officially opened.
Council created the position of vice president of council. Tom Laird and the Old Fellow Lodge requested an alley behind their building be paved at a total cost of $99. Council agreed to pave the alley provided Mr. Laird and the Old Fellow Lodge each pay one-third and the borough would pay one-third, not to exceed the borough's portion of $33. Police Chief Letzkus became ill and John Popp Jr. offered to donate his services as a police officer for the borough. Council accepts and authorized the expense of $15.65 to purchase a police hat, shirt and other necessary equipment for Mr. Popp. Police Chief Letzkus dies and council decides to pay Mr. Popp for his service even though he said he was willing to donate his time.1941Franklin D. Roosevelt inaugurated for a third term. Japan launches a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor destroying five battleships, three cruisers, several smaller vessels, and almost 200 airplanes. The United States official declares war on Japan. San Francisco's 1st blackout, at 6:15 PM. US & Britain declare war on Japan, enters WW II. Japanese occupy Guam. "A. Philip Randolph suggests a march on Washington to end discrimination." Jeep Invented. Manhattan Project Begins. Mount Rushmore Completed. Duke Ellington 1st recorded "Take the A Train."
In January, residents inquiring about the fire hydrants on their streets are advised that the borough requires a value of at least $25,000 for property and home, on any street, before any fire hydrant is installed. A resolution was read dealing with the defense and protection of life and property in the borough by reason of the declaration of war by the United States of America. Burgess Riehl was named to be the chairman of this Civilian Defense Council. Road & Sewer Commissioner, Adolph Boeving discussed putting ashes on all roads. Building Inspector, Jacob Dietrich: one building permit and one plumbing permit issued. Special Officer William C. Fisher: picked up and disposed of 46 dogs during the months of December and January. As dogcatcher, he had to produce the ears of each disposed dog in order to get paid. Council authorized the purchase of four air horns at a cost of $97.15 each to be used for air raid warnings, which was required through the Council of Civil Defense. Also, a telephone with an extra loud bell was purchased at a cost of $4 for installation and a $2.50 per month fee. Compensation insurance for the volunteer firemen was discussed. The borough solicitor stated the insurance company advised no other municipality in the state had ever raised the question. Council had to advertise all purchases over $500. Council was advised that a tire was needed for the grader. Permission was given to John Creehan to apply to the Rationing Board for the needed tire. H.B. Seemiller, section warden of Zone 28 of the Civilian Defense Council, asked council for funds for civil defense purposes. Mr. Dalzell, also from the Civilian Defense Council, asked permission to hold meeting of the Junior Commandos in the borough building. Council approved the state of Pennsylvania's request to take over Castle Shannon Boulevard as a state highway. The borough's insurance policy for public liability and property damage for $5,000 and $10,000 for the 1943 year cost $104. This being the war years, council had to get permission from the War Production Board to have streetlights turned on and to get materials necessary for resurfacing of borough roads. There was also a Federal Work Administration approval needed to receive materials for roadwork, such as road tar. The borough passed a victory tax 5 percent during the war.19421st US force in Europe during WW II go ashore in Northern Ireland. Battle of Midway begins; Japan's 1st major defeat in WW II. Capitol Record Co opens for business. Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb headed by Enrico Fermi produced the first self-sustaining artificial fission chain-reaction at the University of Chicago Walt Disney's "Bambi" is released. Popular movies such as Casablanca glorify the war effort and inspire troops. The Revenue Act of 1942 increases the number of Americans who pay income taxes. Women are allowed to serve in all branches of the Armed services, except for the Marine Corps. Japanese Americans are relocated to internment camps because of the suspicions of spies. T-shirt Introduced. Battle of Coral Sea begun (1st sea battle fought solely in air). German U-boats begin harassing shipping on US east coast. Planes of the U.S. Pacific fleet attacked Japanese bases in the Marshall and Gilbert Islands. Daylight-saving "war time" went into effect in the United States, with clocks turned one hour forward. A Japanese submarine shelled an oil refinery near Santa Barbara, Calif., the first Axis bombs to hit American soil. The U.S. began food rationing. British arrests Indian nationalist Mohandas K Gandhi. The Women's Auxiliary Army Corps, later known as WACs, was established. Gasoline rationing went into effect in 17 states, limiting sales to 3 gallons a week for nonessential vehicles. "Yankee Doodle Dandy," starring James Cagney premiered at a war-bonds benefit in New York. The FBI announced the capture of eight Nazi saboteurs who had been put ashore from a submarine on New York's Long Island. The German Me-262, the first jet-propelled aircraft to fly in combat, made its first flight. President Roosevelt signed a bill creating the "Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service" or WAVES for short. U.S. Marines captured the Japanese airstrip on Guadalcanal. Japan sent a crack army to Guadalcanal to repulse the U.S. Marines fighting there. The War Labor Board ordered equal pay for women in the United States. The draft age was lowered from 21 to 18. The U.S. Navy launched the USS New Jersey, the largest battleship ever built. Bing Crosby recorded "White Christmas." The first Hewlett Packard factory was built in Silicon Valley.
Council passed Ordinance #203 regarding a curfew requiring every person under the age of 18 off the streets by 11:30 p.m. Two wooden bins10 feet by 10 feet by 8 feet high were built to collect tin cans to raise money for the Civil Defense Fund. One bin was placed at the intersection of Willow and Poplar Avenues and the other at the intersection of Sixth Street and Home Avenue.19431st withholding tax from paychecks. Benito Mussolini dismissed as premier of Italy during WW II. Italy surrenders to the allies in WW II. Italy surrenders to the Allies. Chiang Kai-shek became president of China. Almost 400,000 coal miners go on strike. Congress passes the Smith-Connally Act limiting strikes. Race riots occur in Los Angeles and Detroit.
Council passed a resolution regarding worker's compensation coverage for firemen.1944D-Day: 150,000 Allied Expeditionary Force lands in Normandy. France Battle of the Bulge begins.
At a council meeting James L. Slater, owner of Slater's Drug Store, presented council with a letter requesting a permit to collect and distribute urine at his place of business. He explained that they gathered urine in gallon bottles, emptied them into barrels and they would not be in storage for more than a day. Council granted the permit. Applications for an equipment operator were being accepted at a salary of $175 per month. A special meeting was held after notice was received from Michael Brothers, the garbage haulers, that the collection would stop until spring due to the weather conditions. Collection of garbage cost $1 per month per house. Lt. Cooper of the Mt. Lebanon Police Department asked council to consider the installation of a two-way radio system for the borough police car. He advised council that they were installing a broadcast station to serve the South Hills District. Council agrees all borough employees will receive a two week vacation with pay. Council sold 89 lots in the Thompson Terrace plan to Mr. Brown of Bethel Township for taxes and liens due to the borough. The total amount of the sale was $8,081, less the cost to the borough for grading the streets and surfacing with red-dog or slag. The borough was also responsible for the necessary sanitary sewers. Mr. Brown said the type of homes he would build would consist of brick and some frame to cost around $6,000. Council passes Ordinance #208 for the removal of the mine houses along Route 88 by condemnation proceedings.1945FDR sworn-in for an unprecedented 4th term as president. US Marines raise flag on Iwo Jima, famous photo & statue. US forces launch invasion of Okinawa during WW II. Franklin Roosevelt dies of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Ga Bernito Mussolini Fascist leader & mistress captured, tried, & shot. Adolph Hitler & wife Eva Braun commit suicide. Arthur Godfrey Time begins a 27 year run on CBS radio. Harry S. Truman inaugurated as the 33rd president. V-E Day; Germany signs unconditional surrender, WW II ends in Europe. 1st atomic bomb detonated, Trinity Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico. Hiroshima Peace Day-atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima by "Enola Gay". President Roosevelt dies after his trip to Europe to meet with world leaders. The United Nations becomes established. V-J Day; Japan surrenders unconditionally to end WW II. The United States drops the 1st atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, "Little Boy". The United States drops the 2nd atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, "Fat Man. US Marines raise flag on Iwo Jima, famous photo & statue Japanese leaders accept the American terms of surrender. Japanese Americans are released from camps. US wartime rationing of gasoline & fuel oil ends. Chinese civil war begins, Chiang Kai-Shek vs Mao Tse-Tung. "Big Bang" Theory Formulated. "Dewey Defeats Truman" in the Paper. Gandhi Assassinated. State of Israel Founded. Fluoridation of water introduced in the US to prevent tooth decay.
Council authorized the purchase of a new Ford to be used as a police car at a cost of $1,098. John Grivalsky received permission from borough council to operate a taxicab service in the community. He would start with two cabs and if more were needed they would be provided. Council condemned, by Ordinance #208, mine houses in the borough. Eight of the mine houses were to be saved, but 56 mine houses would be removed due to their structurally unsafe conditions.1946The first helicopter licensed for commercial use (New York NY). Automobile radio telephones connect to the US telephone network. NFL champs Cleveland Rams given permission to move to LA. League of Nations dissolves after the UN starts. US President Truman seizes control of nation's railroads to delay a strike.US President Truman sets up CIA, Central Intelligence Agency. University of Tennessee refuses to play Duquesne University, because they may use a black player in their basketball game
Bills exceeded revenue and council approves a certificate of Indebtedness for $3,500 to cover all bills. Council agrees to enforce the state speed limit of 25 mph on Hamilton Road, if the state supplied the speed signs. Councilman Feller stated that a siren and red light should be installed on the police car. Council received a complaint of goats being housed on the end of St. Anne Street. Resident complains of neighbor building a block wall in the middle of the street. When his neighbor gets coal delivered it's piled up in front of his wall preventing him from using the road to get to his property. Resident complains of the Pittsburgh Railway burning refuse below his property. Greenridge Village Plan #3, 4 and 5 and the Shuster Village Plans were approved for development.19491947, Jackie Robinson becomes the first African American to play baseball for the Major Leagues. 1948, Scientists invent the transistor, a pivotal part in sizing down computers and other technological devices. 1948, President Truman bans racial segregation in the armed forces. 1948, George Orwell's frightening novel about communism and the future of America, 1984, is published. Harry S. Truman inaugurated for his second term. The North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) is established. China Becomes Communist. First Non-Stop Flight Around the World. Almost four years after the end of World War II, clothes rationing in Great Britain ends. The State of Vietnam was formed. The last U.S. combat troops were called home from Korea, leaving only 500 advisers. The National Basketball Association (NBA) was formed.
The new Post Office becomes operational. The pay scale for the police chief is set at $250 per month and patrolmen at $225 per month with two weeks vacation and 15 sick days per year with pay. Road Department's Equipment Operator receives $225 per month and the helper at $185 per month with the same benefits as the police department. The Post Office Department explained to council the necessary procedures to affect carrier service in the borough and this service would begin in part on March 1, 1950. Council approves the purchase and installation of street signs.1950France transferred sovereignty to Vietnam. India becomes a republic ceasing to be a British dominion. Joe Dimaggio's 2,000th hit. Korean conflict begins. US sends 35 military advisers to South Vietnam. President Truman orders US troops into Korea. Gen Douglas MacArthur named commander-in-chief of UN forces in Korea. China enters Korean conflict. Senator Joseph McCarthy begins anti-communist charges. A computer was first used to tally a census. President Truman authorizes the production of the H-bomb.
Ordinance #253, the borough authorizes the first Civil Service Commission for the Police Department. The borough authorized a police radio be installed in the borough building at a cost of $250 and two way radios for the fire truck. Councilman requests the field at Linden Grove be flooded for the purpose of ice-skating. The borough receives a bid for a new police car, a 1952 Kaiser at a cost of $769.71 plus the charge to change over the radio. Council authorizes the purchase of a new truck, an International V-Plate with a snow plow and cinder spreader. The bid was $3,423.71 for the truck, $700 for the plow and $300 for the cinder spreader along with the trade.1951Sugar Ray Robinson defeats Jake LaMotta & takes middleweight title. "I Love Lucy" debuts on CBS TV. 22nd amendment ratified, limiting president to 2 terms. President Truman fires General Douglas McArthur. Japanese Peace Treaty signed in San Francisco by Japan, the U.S., and 47 other nations. The U.S. presidency is restricted down to eight years. The United States occupation of Japan and its islands ends. Computers are sold commercially. The first usable electricity from nuclear fission is produced at the National Reactor Station. Still camera get built-in flash units. The first US color TV broadcast-CBS' Arthur Godfrey.
Council approves salary increases for the following positions, police chief from $3,600 to $4,200 per year, police lieutenant from $3,120 to $3,720 per year, police sergeant from $3,120 to $3,600 per year, police woman from $600 to $900 per year, road supervisor from $3,300 to $3,900 per year, equipment operator from $3,120 to $3,600 per year, borough secretary from $960 to $1,200 per year and laborers received a rate of $1.50 per hour. The Civil Service Commission provides a list of qualified and certified candidates to council for police department positions.1952The United States detonates the first thermo-nuclear device on the Pacific island of Eniwetok. Dragnet with Jack Webb premiers on NBC TV. The color television is introduced in the U.S. Julius Rosenberg and his wife Ethel were found guilty of conspiracy to commit wartime espionage. They were thought to have given atomic secrets to the Soviets. Jonas Salk develops the first polio vaccine. Sony offers a miniature transistor radio. Telephone area codes. Zenith proposes pay-TV system. 3-D movies offer thrills to the audience.
A homeowner on Willow Avenue was given notice to install a sewer line to his house; the homeowner replies that the outside toilet had a sewer line. This matter was referred to the Board of Health. Council approved St. Anne's request to extend the cemetery. Bids were opened for a 1953 police car and ranged from $1,082 to $1,470.38 for a Chevrolet. Glenn Shannon Homes development began and Canal Street was extended.1953Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) died in Moscow in Russia. Fidel Castro begins Cuban revolution. Armistice signed ending Korean War. Dept of Health, Education & Welfare created. Dwight D. Eisenhower inaugurated as 34th President. An American company develops the first microwave oven. Over half of all families in the U.S. own televisions. The Rosenbergs are executed for traitorous espionage.
Council authorized the borough engineers to apply to the state for a permit to build the bridge at Sixth Street. Colonial Carriers, the waste haulers, stated that there were 2,643 families in the borough as of Sept. l, 1953. Colonial Carriers, being the lowest bidder, was awarded the contract for garbage hauling at a cost of 79 cents per family for a three-year contract. Councilman C.H. Jae stated that the road department monthly men had to work overtime on various roads. The men have already worked 36 hours overtime, and they felt that they should be paid for the overtime hours at a rate of $1.65 per hour. Council agreed. Rita Kenny was hired as a policewoman at a salary of $75 per month. Council authorized the borough engineer to conduct Trumball Construction Company to go ahead with the building and paving of Grove Road at a cost of $29,595.34. The Pittsburgh Railway had set a price for the property and building, which was the old borough building, at $75,000. The borough solicitor asked council for permission to offer $60,000 for both the property and building. Along with plans for eminent domain of the property, borough council also authorized the construction of the borough garage bid at $22,730.1954Britain Sponsors an Expedition to Search for the Abominable Snowman. First Atomic Submarine Launched. Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S. RCA manufactures 1st color TV set (12½" screen at $1,000). Regular US color TV broadcasts begin. Transistor radios are sold commercially. US Census Bureau established. Elvis Presley records his debut single, "That's All Right". Ground breaking begins on Disneyland. USSR launches Sputnik. Eisenhower warns against US intervention in Vietnam. Steve Allen's "Tonight Show" premiers. Sports Illustrated publishes it's 1st issue. The first Miss America TV broadcast. The first shopping mall opened in Southfield MI. The first TV soap opera "Secret Storm" premieres. Construction of the first nuclear power reactor. Marilyn Monroe marries baseball star, New York Yankee, Joe DiMaggio.US nationwide test of Salk anti-polio vaccine begins. The first FORTRAN computer program run. US Amendment to give 18-year-olds right to vote is defeated. US Senate Army-McCarthy televised hearings began. Senator John F. Kennedy appears on "Meet the Press" First successful kidney transplant.
Mr. J.J. Creehan, asked council to accept Sleepy Hollow Rd. as a borough road. Councilman Feller suggested council acquire the properties of Johnson, Feller and McRoberts for park purposes, and he knew men who would put up the money for a swimming pool. The Reiter Estate had opened negotiations to have a drive-in theater built on the ball field at the Killarney Stop. Councilman Feller asked council to give some consideration to the properties of the Mastandrea family, the Calavenzo family, and of Dr. Kent for the purpose of a community park. Dr. Kent would donate a portion of his property and maybe something could be worked out with the other owners. (This is now Hamilton Park.) Council made a request to the South Pittsburgh Water Co. for the use of florid in the water. Mr. G. Wolf, of 911 St. Ann Street, complained about chickens running through his yard and asked if council could put a stop to this. Council enacted ordinance #356 that imposed a wage tax for the borough. Our current mayor, Don Baumgarten requested the borough secretary write to the state and to the P &W Railroad regarding the debris on Library Rd. Council approved the low bid of $2,483 for a new police car to Pascoe Motor Co.1956Libya's first oil well goes into production. Seat belts first added to cars. Ampex Corporation demonstrates the first successful video tape recorder. The Federal Aid Highway Act passes in Congress authorizing construction of a 42,500-mile network of roads to link major U.S. urban centers. The phrase "In God We Trust" was adopted as the U.S. national motto. September 9, On this Sunday night, 54,000,000 viewers (82.6 percent of the U.S. television audience) turn their TV dials to CBS as Ed Sullivan introduces 21-year-old singer Elvis Presley. Elvis sings "Hound Dog" and "Love Me Tender." Ed Sullivan, watching. The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission explodes the world's first airborne hydrogen bomb. For the second time, the Democrats nominated Adlai Stevenson for president, and for the second time he lost the election to Republican Dwight Eisnehower. The top-grossing film was The Ten Commandments, starring Charlton Heston. Many school districts in the South defied the Supreme Court ruling that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. Actress Grace Kelly married Prince Ranier II of Monaco, renouncing her U.S. citizenship to take the title of Princess.
A letter from the P & W.V. Railroad was read granting permission to install hanging lights in the arches at Grove Rd. and Cretestone. The light committee was authorized to have these installments made. Duquesne Light Co. stated they would not hang lights in the arches as requested. Instead, they would arrange the existing street lights to give sufficient light all the way through the arches. Council was presented plans for paving McRoberts Rd. Council agreed to pave McRoberts from Highland School (currently the Municipal Center) to Magnolia Dr. and the portion from Grove Rd. to Hamilton Rd. at a total cost of $33,000.19574.3 million baby boomers are born, more than in any year before... or since. The Ford Motor Company rolled out the first Edsel. Barry Gordy, Jr. invests $700 to found "Motown Records". Doctors begin testing the birth control pill to prevent unwanted pregnancies. The Russians launch Sputnik I and Sputnik II, signaling the beginning of the "space race." Over 1,000 computers are built in 1957.... up 500% from 20 in 1954. Fidel Castro leads an uprising against the government of Cuba's Fulgencio Batista. The International Brotherhood of Teamsters is thrown out of the AFL-CIO on charges of corruption. Jimmy Hoffa becomes head of the Teamsters
Burgess O'Bringer swore in the following newly elected and incumbent councilman: Carl M. Rizzo, James Creehan, George Hamrock and John O'Farrell, along with the present councilmen A. Feller, J. Nolle and O'Brien. Mr. O'Farrell was elected President of Council, J. Nolle was elected vice president and F.J. Rizzo was elected as secretary. The solicitor said he received a letter from the Railway Company accepting the offer of $100,000 from the borough for the land, excluding the building, providing the borough would give them an easement. (This became our former Borough Building, which sold for more than three times that amount a few years ago.)1958The U.S. experiences an economic recession, as unemployment goes over 5%. The median U.S. family annual income is just over $5,000. For the first time in 26 years, the U.S. Postal rates go up. It now costs 4 cents to mail a first class letter. VISA and the American Express cards are introduced (but the Post Office isn't accepting it yet). Sweet n' Low is introduced as an artificial Sweetener, using saccharin instead of sugar, meanwhile, Cocoa Puffs is introduced; it contains 43% sugar. The Boeing 707 goes into production. The first Pizza Hut opens in Kansas City. The Wham-O Company introduces the Hula Hoop; over 100 million are sold
Council accepted a bid for $12,800 for the old borough building on Castle Shannon Blvd. Council authorized a pay increase for the janitors to $1.25 per hour. The new borough building is a much larger building thus creating more work. Mrs. Thomas O’Malley reported to council that the polio shots given on behalf of the Christian Family Movement were a great success. Council received a notice from the school board of their intent to impose a one percent wage tax in the borough. The secretary said he had received a request from the Library Committee to purchase a typewriter because the one they are using belongs to the Woman's Club. Councilman C. Rizzo reported that the teenage dances were going well.1959US Pioneer 4, the first US probe to enter solar orbit, is launched. US deployment of the first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). TV series "Bonanza", "Twilight Zone" premiers. Walt Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" released. Alaska admitted as 49th, Hawaii becomes 50th US state. Barbie debuts. Castro proclaims new Cuban constitution. Explorer 6 transmits 1st TV photo of Earth from space. Ford cancels the Edsel. Japanese-Americans regain their citizenship. Nikita Krushchev denied access to Disneyland. The St Lawrence Seaway linking the Atlantic and Great Lakes opens. The first weather satellite launched. The first transcontinental commercial jet flight, Los Angeles to New York for $301.
January 4, 1960 - Council elected “The Borough News” as the official newspaper.February 8, 1960 - Councilman Rizzo recommended by motion that all regular borough employees be given fringe benefits. These employees consisted of six policemen, eight roadmen, and two female employees. Motion passed. May 9, 1960 - Mr. E. Zieler, representing the Vets Post, asked for permission to have a parade on Memorial Day. Resolution #53 estimating a loan of $150,000 for the year was adopted for paying the bills. Councilman O’Malley asked if Council would agree to open all future meetings with a prayer and pledge of allegiance to the flag and that in the secret ballot be eliminated from all meetings. Councilman Rizzo received a letter from Vice-President Nixon in answer to an invitation to attend the Youth Government Day exercises. Mr. Nixon would not be able to attend, which he regretted very much.1960The Cold War continued under President Kennedy with an unsuccessful invasion of Cuba the 'Bay of Pigs'. A US balloon in orbit reflects radio signals to Earth (Echo I). Zenith unsuccessfully tests subscription TV. USSR levels spy charges against US. Chubby Checker releases "The Twist". Coal mine of Johnburg caves-in, 417 die. Elvis Presley ends 2-year tour of duty in US Army. The first prime time animation show, 'The Flintstones', premiers. Iraq executes 30 after attack on President Kassem. Johnny Cash plays 1st free concerts behind bar. Martin Luther King Jr was arrested in an Atlanta sit-in. The Tullibee, the first atomic powered submarine, the USS Enterprise, the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and the first weather satellite (Tiros 1) were launched. US Senate passes landmark Civil Rights Bill. First successful hologram is produced. Birth control pill is approved for general use.
The County Health Department asked council if they would like to participate in the immunization of influenza.Council received a petition with 54 names requesting the elimination of no parking signs on Home Ave. Mr. Keifer at 3113 Home Ave. stated that the parking trouble on his street started when the street was extended into the City of Pittsburgh. A request was submitted for a building permit to put on an addition to a store on May St. This was not granted. Council stated that this site on May St. is not a commercial area. It was brought to the attention of Council that Patrolman T. Karrigan, was investigating home burglaries over and above his regular duties (without pay) and he should be compensated. Councilman O'Malley stated that Mt. Lebanon asked if the borough was going to do anything for him. The Burgess stated the patrolman needed a holster and belt.1961President Eisenhower left office warning of the threat of unwarranted influence by the military industrial complex. John F Kennedy sets goal of putting a man on Moon before the end of decade. Building of the Berlin Wall between West and East Berlin begins. Boxing match test shows potential of pay-TV. FCC approves FM stereo broadcasting. 23rd amendment to the US Constitution is ratified, allows Washington DC residents to vote for President. Alan Shepard becomes the first American in space. China uses it's first nuclear reactor. John F Kennedy provides US military helicopters & crews to South Vietnam. Martin Luther King Jr & 700 demonstrators arrested in Albany GA. President Kennedy establishes the Peace Corps. The first live, US nationally televised Presidential news conference (JFK). Walt Disney's '101 Dalmations' released.
Resolution #57 was passed which authorized the Borough to retain J. William Jordan as the record and tax service, which will handle the filing and revivals of all liens. Resolution #61 was presented for the collection of wage tax for the school district, which was set at 5%. Council set May 13, 1962 as Youth Government Day. Councilman O'Farrell, Finance Committee Chairman, stated council should increase salary for Borough workers. He recommended that all monthly paid men be increased by $10 per month. A letter was received from the State stating that they were planning to widen Connor Rd. Council asked the Borough Engineers to review the plans, since they wanted to connect Willow Ave. to Connor Rd. A letter was read from Chief Andrew Orr in answer to Council's request that he be present at all council meetings. Ordinance #474 was approved. This ordinance regulated the time of day for burning trash. Councilman Dietrich asked for a report for the cost to operate the police cars, which consisted of one rental police car and the borough owned car. The planning commission and council was requesting from the state as to their plans for Rt. 88. Councilman Dietrich requested that Rt. 88 become a four lane highway. Mr. M. Gutman asked council permission to install a pony track ride on his property along Rt. 88.1962US Ranger 4, 1the first US satellite to impact the Moon launched from Cape Canaveral. US Mariner 2 is launched, and makes the first US visit to another planet when it performs a flyby of Venus on 14 December 1 1962. It went off air on 3 January 1963 and is now in a solar orbit. Cuban missile crisis began as JFK becomes aware of missiles in Cuba. John F Kennedy imposes air and naval blockade on Cuba, beginning missile crisis. Khrushchev orders withdrawal of missiles from Cuba, ending crisis. US/British nuclear test experiment in Nevada. The Lucy Show premiers. The first recording session under the name 'Beatles'. The first quasar located by radio. The first nuclear warhead fired from Polaris submarine. The first automated (unmanned) subway train (New York City NY). After a decade as Hollywood's reigning starlet, Marilyn Monroe dies of a drug overdose. US Supreme court disallows race separation on public transportation. US President Kennedy bans all trade with Cuba except for food & drugs. US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. US advisors in South-Vietnam join the fight. US begins spraying foliage in Vietnam to reveal Viet Cong guerrillas. UN announces Earth population has hit 3 billion. Scott Carpenter orbits Earth 3 times in US Aurora 7. Transit 5A1, first operational navigational satellite, launched.
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